Please keep in mind the following key points for your oral presentation:

 – Prepare your presentation and save it in a Power Point Format or in PDF format.  The file must be clearly labeled in the following format: ICAIGE_ID of your paper followed by the author’s name. For example, if your paper ID is 105, your file is named ICAIGE24_105_PresenterX.

 – The text of the slides should be written in English.

 – You are kindly requested to come to the presentation room at least 10 minutes before the session starts. Provide your presentation on a clean USB stick to the conference staff who will help you upload it on the computer available in the room. 

 – Each speaker will be given a time slot of 15 minutes in total, which is distributed as 10 minutes of presentation followed by 5 minutes of questions and answers (Q & A). Please do not go over the given time to ensure all speakers have equal time on the program. Session chairs will be requested to respect the sessions’ timetables.
