Artificial Intelligence and Related Applications:
Artificial Intelligence for Automation of Energy Systems : Energy conversion and management, Load and renewable ernergy forecasting, Energy management in electric vehicles, Intelligent transportation, Fault diagnosis and predictive maintenance, IoT-based energy technologies
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Applications: Industry 4.0 and 5.0, Machine learning and Deep learning, Internet of things (IoT), Robotic and automation systems, Neural networks and fuzzy logic applications, Smart agriculture, Metaheuristic algorithms, Computer vision, Big data
Artificial Intelligence for Biomedical, Bioinformatics and Bioprocess : AI Biomedical Data Processing, Intelligent Biosignal Processing, AI for healthcare Monitoring systems, AI systems for Biomedical processing.
Track chairs :
- Ahmad Taher AZAR, Saudi Arabia
- Boudour AMMAR, Tunisia
- Francesco GRIMACCIA, Italy
- Olfa JEMAI, Tunisia
TRACK 2 ‐ Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles
Renewable Energy, Distributed generation and smart grids : Photovoltaic energy, Wind energy, Hydroelectricity, Smart grids, Distributed systems and power quality, Power converters control techniques for renewable energy and smart grids, Electric machines modeling and control for renewable energy systems (RES),Energy efficiency, Energy planning, Smart grid,
Sub-Track Chairs :
- Miguel DE SIMÓN MARTÍN, Spain
- Morgan KIANI, USA
- Pierluigi SIANO, Italy
- Sertac BAYHAN, Qatar
Electric Vehicles and Energy Storage Systems : Advanced control techniques of power converters and traction machines in electric vehicles, FPGA-based real-time simulation of electric vehicles, Advanced topologies and control techniques of battery chargers, Batteries modeling, Energy storage and battery management systems (SoC, SoH, etc), Artificial intelligence techniques for battery modeling and management
Sub-Track Chairs :
- Chokri BEN SALAH, Tunisia
- Fei GAO, France
- Roberto SALETTI, Italy
- Ruben Zieba FALAMA, Cameron
- Sonia LEVA, Italy
TRACK 3 ‐ Digital Transformation for Green Energy & Embedded Systems
Architecture, Programming and Design : FPGA design for embedded systems, Reconfigurable architectures, Hardware-software co-design Systems-on-chip, Real-time operating systems (RTOS), Real-time control using DSPs, microcontrollers, FPGAs, Rapid prototyping techniques, Heterogeneous embedded systems, Signal and image processing.
Embedded control and management of renewable energy systems and electric vehicles : Embedded control of power converters and electric machines, Real-time implementation of battery management systems.
Critical Systems and Infrastructure: Cyber security for smart grids, Blockchain technology for renewable energy, Digital Twins in Renewable energy systems, Real Time Simulation, Hardwares in the loop
Track Chairs :
- Fatma SAYADI, Tunisia
- Jean SAWMA, Lebanon
- Marcian CIRSTEA, UK
TRACK 4- Fault diagnosis and fault tolerant operation of renewable energy systems and electric vehicles
Fault detection of power converters, electric machines and sensors used in renewable energy systems and electric vehicles, Fault detection of PV modules and wind turbines, Fault tolerant control techniques, Signal processing and machine learning techniques for fault detection and isolation, Aging techniques of power semiconductors
Track chairs:- Antonio J.M. CARDOSO, Portugal
- Mohamed Ali BELAID, Saudi Arabia
- Shen YIN, Norway