Call for Special Sessions proposal :
The IEEE ICAIGE24 conference organizers welcome interested researchers to submit their proposals for Special Sessions (SS). These are expected to address recent and specific topics related with the conference scope but not interfering with the tracks content. SS provide an opportunity to researchers and specialists in a specific theme to discuss their recent outcomes and exchange thoughts. Once a SS is accepted, it will be visible on the conference website including the organizers’ names. All papers submitted to a SS will undergo the same evaluation process as regular papers. The SS will be included in the final program once at least 5 papers are accepted.
Special Sessions Chairs:
- Ebrahim BABAEI, Iran
- Farah BARIKA KTATA, Tunisia
- Mostafa RAHIMNEJAD, Iran
- Sobhan MOHAMADIAN, Italy
Important Dates :
- Special Sessions submission deadline : April 21th , 2024
- Acceptance Notification of Special Sessions : Mai 15th, 2024
Please write your proposal using the Word template that can be uploaded using the following link :
TEMPLATE for Special Session Proposal : click below to download
Please send your proposal to the following e-mail address :
The mail subject : icaige 2024 proposal